Ramboll Oil & Gas Takes Business to Next Level

Ramboll Oil & Gas Takes Business to Next Level

‘It has been our long time wish to increase focus on the project management aspect. Therefore, I am very pleased that we are now able to start up a new Projects Department’, said Jens Rebsdorf-Gregersen Regional Director in Ramboll Oil & Gas in Esbjerg, Denmark.

As a part of Ramboll Oil & Gas’ development strategy the new department ‘Projects’ will be launched on 1 February 2012. Søren Eg Hansen is appointed Director for the new department.

‘We simply want to deliver the best possible results’

In recent years Ramboll Oil & Gas has experienced a considerable increase in large scale projects such as Volve – additional wells and South Arne Phase 3 development. Therefore the primary assignment of the new department is to further sharpen, handle and carry out major multidisciplinary projects.

The ‘Projects Department’ is also going to focus on studies related to projects which hold potential in growing into multidisciplinary projects with a large extent of detailed engineering. EPCM/EPCI contracts are also to be handled by this department.

Lastly the department will play a central role when preparing tenders for major projects and support sales activities. The department will start up with three ongoing projects located in the North Sea including the Tyra Facility Optimisation.

‘I am pleased to be given the opportunity to further develop Ramboll Oil & Gas’ work within project management as it is a critical factor in every project. The increased focus that we are now able to place on project management is an important step for Ramboll Oil & Gas in terms of delivering the best possible results for our clients,Søren Eg Hansen concluded.

Offshore Nieuws Staff , February 3, 2012; Image: Ramboll