RWE to Deploy TRIAXYS Buoy at Nordsee Ost Wind Farm

RWE to Deploy TRIAXYS Buoy at Nordsee Ost Wind Farm

Knowing the environmental conditions around a wind farm is crucial to a wind farm operator. Making wrong decisions from inaccurate or incomplete data can be costly in terms of time, money or worse accidents.

In an effort to ensure they receive accurate and consistent wave and ocean current data, RWE Innogy GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) has invested in a TRIAXYS Directional wave and currents buoy. The German energy giant purchased this buoy after a careful, year long review of available products on the marketplace. They will deploy the buoy near their Nordsee Ost wind farm project. The buoy may then be redeployed at other RWE wind farm sites in the future.

One of the key features of this buoy is a dual primary telemetry option. RWE will initially use the buoy in a remote, offshore location that will require satellite telemetry – Iridium in this case – to send data back to key decision makers. Then, eventually or in the future when needs change, they will have the ability to switch the primary telemetry over to VHF radio. Waves will be measured by the TRIAXYS Directional wave sensor. Ocean currents will be measured by a Nortek 600KHz current profiler. Secondary telemetry and Watchcircle monitoring is available through Inmarsat D+ telemetry. The mooring has been designed for a 30 metre deployment environment.

Deployment will be carried out this spring. Terms of the contract are confidential and have not been disclosed.

RWE is one of Europe’s five leading electricity and gas companies. Through their expertise in oil, gas and lignite production, the construction and operation of conventional and renewables-based power plants, commodities trading as well as electricity and gas transmission and sales, we cover the entire energy value chain. More than 70,000 employees supply about 16 million customers with electricity and nearly 8 million customers with gas via our fully consolidated companies.


Offshore Nieuws Staff, March 23, 2012; Image: axystechnologies