Reef Subsea’s Vessels Complete Their First Operations

Reef Subsea's Vessels Complete Their First Operations

Reef Subsea AS announced that it has successfully completed two contracts for its new subsea support vessels to perform their maiden operations. The Reef Despina and Reef Larissa have recently completed their first projects for Aker Solutions and Heerema Marine Contractors, respectively.

Reef Subsea’s Technocean company in Norway was awarded the maiden project for the recently delivered Reef Despina. The vessel concluded the operation offshore in Bergen, undertaking sea trials for Aker Solutions’ third ROV Tie-in System (RTS). Simulating the water depth at the Goliat field in the Barents Sea, where the RTS tool will be premiered later this year, the Despina was positioned in Byfjorden fjord where the RTS and one of the vessel’s WROVs were deployed to 350m.

An Aker Solutions-produced ROV Interface Module (RIM) allowed the XLR WROV to mate with the RTS, which was then function tested at depth. The project scope was successfully completed within the proposed schedule, much to the pleasure of both Reef Subsea and Aker Solutions. Survey positioning services were provided throughout Specialist Subsea Services (S3), a subsidiary of Reef Subsea.

S3 – based in Aberdeen – was also awarded the maiden project for the recently delivered Reef Larissa by Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC). Project was to deploy and calibrate LBL transponder arrays at a depth of 600m in the Laggan field and 610m in the Tormore field, 125 km West of Shetland, in preparation for the installation of integrated template structures at each site by HMC’s heavy lift vessel, Thialf. Whilst on site, the vessel also conducted debris clearance surveys and bathymetric observations at each template footprint. Reef Larissa was on site for 5 days and performed well in marginal weather conditions.

New-build Reef Despina and Reef Larissa were chartered last November for five years from Neptune Offshore AS, a company Reef Subsea owns 25% ownership. They have recently completed an enhancing programme at A&P Tyne in Newcastle to better address the oil & gas and renewable energy client’s needs. The vessels have also been contracted by Talisman Energy for a several-month project to begin by the end of the month.

 Chief Operating Officer of Reef Subsea, Tim Sheehan, said: “We are thrilled that the Reef Despina and Reef Larissa have successfully completed their maiden operations, which puts them in a great position to fulfil even more before the project with Talisman. And to receive contracts from companies as highly regarded as Aker Solutions and Heerema Marine Contractors instils great confidence in us for future projects. The Despina and Larissa have great potential, and we are happy to have them in our growing fleet.”

Offshore Nieuws Staff, May 29, 2012; Image : Reef Subsea