PSA Norway in Gjøa Audit

PSA Norway in Gjøa Audit

During the period 11-14 June 2012, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) conducted an audit of GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS’ (GDF SUEZ’) and contractors’ work to identify and follow up potential groups exposed to risk (RUG) on the Gjøa facility.


The objective of the activity was to verify that:

GDF SUEZ and contractors on the Gjøa facility have established a functioning management system which entails that risks for groups of employees have been identified, mapped and followed up, so that working environment and personnel circumstances are fully prudent in all parts of the contract chain.

GDF SUEZ and contractors have assessed the significance of risk for framework conditions


The PSA identified one nonconformity associated with mappings and risk assessments of self-produced noise from handheld tools.

Furthermore, the PSA identified improvement items in relation to:

The ordering system for chemicals

Noise exposure

Training in use of protective equipment


Press Release, July 13, 2012