Trapoil Announces End of Operations at Scotney Prospect

Trapoil Announces End of Operations at Scotney Prospect

Trapoil, the independent oil and gas exploration, appraisal and production company focused on the UK Continental Shelf region of the North Sea, announces that operations are now being concluded on the Scotney (Licence P.1658, Block 20/5b) exploration prospect.

The exploration well was drilled to its target depth of 10,600 feet Measured Depth Below Rotary Table (“MDRT”) or 10,449 feet True Vertical Depth Sub Sea (“TVDSS”) and as such has fulfilled the licence obligation.

The well achieved its primary target, being the Tweedsmuir Sandstone Member within the late Jurassic interval. The target interval is characterised on seismic data by strong amplitudes and was interpreted, prior to drilling, as representing the equivalents of the Tweedsmuir Sandstone Member. The well penetrated thin sands with no significant hydrocarbons overlying a number of limestone stringers. This interval is interpreted to be a distal equivalent to the Tweedsmuir sands. There are no plans to conduct a drill stem test and the well is to be plugged and abandoned.

The partners in Licence P.1658 are Suncor Energy UK Limited (28.75 per cent., operator), Norwegian Energy Company UK Limited (43.75 per cent.), First Oil and Gas Limited (15.0 per cent.) and Trapoil (12.5 per cent carried interest).

Press Release, April 12, 2013