PSA Inspects Emergency Preparedness on Valhall Field

PSA Inspects Emergency Preparedness on Valhall Field

On 11 April 2013 and from 15-18 April 2013, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) carried out an audit activity targeting BP Norge AS (BP) and the Valhall field.

The objective of the audit was to review and assess the management’s control and leadership as regards emergency preparedness on the Valhall field.

The PSA wanted to verify that BP had established processes which ensured preconditions, restrictions and recommendations in the preparedness analyses are safeguarded, and that they are communicated to the emergency preparedness organisation.

Nonconformities were identified in connection with:

– training and exercises

– MOB boat

Furthermore, improvement items were identified in connection with

– communications equipment for internal communication

– design of evacuation routes

– nonconformity handling and improvement

– maintenance of preparedness equipment

– MOB boat

Press Release, May 21, 2013