Berlin to Host OMWINDENERGY Germany 2013
OMWINDENERGY germany 2013 is the new industry forum for the international O&M wind market. It also provides a professional platform for strategies, methods, and tools for operation and management as well as maintenance and repairs in the wind sector.
As a new specialist conference, OMWINDENERGY germany 2013 focuses on the after-sales market. Participants will meet industry players and potential new partners; learn about the latest service concepts, service portfolios, and innovations; and be introduced to solutions and tools that can help control costs and improve performance in the entire service market.
– Professional solutions for specialists, companies new to the sector, and investors
Both specialists and companies new to the international wind industry can find reliable new partners here to ensure financially successful wind turbine operation.
“New” companies, like utilities and energy cooperatives, and investors who want to learn more about long-term investments in wind energy will have a wealth of knowledge available to them.
For the first time, OMWINDENERGY germany 2013 provides a presentation and discussion forum for all service areas within the international wind industry:
- Damage in German and international offshore projects (Lutz Weidtke, Marsh)
- Leading the way: “A guide to UK offshore O&M” (Oscar Fitch-Roy, GL Garrad Hassan)
- ECOWindS – Improving the offshore service market’s ability to innovate by interlinking European clusters (Ronny Meyer, germanwind / WAB e. V.)
- O&M in the US (Emily Williams, American Wind Energy Association)
- Challenges and trends in the Chinese wind power market (Feng Zhao, BTM – A part of Navigant)
- European Wind Service Study 2012 (Carsten Bartholl, Taylor Wessing)
- Assessing and optimising repair and maintenance costs for international wind farm portfolios (Matthias Henke, SgurrEnergy)
- Operation & maintenance in Germany (Carlo Reeker, German Wind Energy Association e.V.)
- Operation & maintenance in France (Nicolas Wolff, France Energie Eolienne)
- … and more.
The focus is on companies and their clients; the market, including its trends and challenges; and national and international business opportunities.
Press Release, August 27, 2013