CWind Successfully Completes Generator Management at World’s Largest OWF
CWind, a leading UK offshore wind service provider, has completed generator management works on the world’s largest offshore wind farm, London Array, developed and built by a consortium comprising DONG Energy, E.ON and Masdar. CWind has recently removed the last generators from site.
The company worked with EP tools, a Denmark-based provider of generators, UPS systems, torque tools and lifting equipment, to deliver generator management services to Siemens, which manufactured and installed the turbines at London Array.
CWind serviced all 175 generators, supported their transportation and installation and provided maintenance and refuelling and have now decommissioned them as required. CWind used its own versatile fleet of 20T vessels to undertake the work, transporting crews, rigging equipment and generators, as well as bulk fuel for the generators.
Colin Urquhart, Operations Director of CWind commented: “A reliable electricity supply is vital during construction, long before the wind farm is connected to the grid. In that case, generators are a key element in the construction of an offshore wind farm. Our teams played their part in making the construction of the world’s largest offshore wind farm possible by ensuring dependable generators that were serviced, refuelled and maintained to keep them at their peak operational capacity. Managing up to 175 generators, was a logistical challenge but one, I am proud to say, we managed to the satisfaction of our clients Siemens and London Array. “
Chris Randle, Senior Project Manager for Siemens Wind Power UK commented on the contract: “CWind have proven themselves to be a professional and reliable generator service management provider on London Array. Their teams worked in close collaboration with our own staff and together they ensured a reliable power supply during the pre-commissioning activities.”
Press Release, July 4, 2013