Denmark: Three Bidders Shortlisted for Kriegers Flak Substations
Three suppliers have just been prequalified to bid for the supply of two transformer substations for the Kriegers Flak offshore wind project. During the fall, a tender for DC cable will be invited.
“We are required to be ready with power supply 1st July 2018, when the first offshore wind turbines are scheduled to start producing power,” saysProject Manager Jens Christian Hygebjerg. “Therefore, we need to place orders on the most advanced and preferred components well in advance.”
Suppliers of electrical substations, especially direct current systems, and high voltage cables have long delivery times. That’s why is out early to ensure deliveries of technical installations, which will form the grid connection for 600 MW of offshore wind turbines at Kriegers Flak.
Combined solution
The system will be built as a combined grid connection plant and electrical connection to Germany. This means that several components of the system are based on DC technology. Thus, the transformer substations need to be built both at Zealand and Kriegers Flak. Furthermore, the cable between the two transformer substations will be based on direct current.
Since delivery of cables also takes a long time, will issue an invitation to tender for cables in the period from August to September.
The system at sea will be provided along with the platform that will house the technical components. Depending on which supplier wins the tender, the platform will be about 50 meters wide, 80 meters long and 25 meters high. Therefore, the platform will be about five times larger than the transformer platform that has built in connection with the Anholt offshore wind farm.
On land, the transformer substation will be correspondingly large. Location of this transformer station will be determined in the EIA process initiated by Danish Nature Agency.
The contracts for these works will be awarded in the middle of 2014.
Press Release, August 15, 2013