Nathalie de Jongste en Coco Kossmann

VIDEO: Online session: ‘Careers in Offshore Wind’

Career development

Watch the online session ‘Careers in Offshore Wind’ in which the energy transition, the challenge of our generation, takes center stage. A challenge that will create a lot of employment opportunities. TenneT alone will have 1000 jobs in the next 3 years. In the offshore wind sector there is a large demand for labour and that will only increase due to the planned wind parks.

Nathalie de Jongste en Coco Kossmann

Thursday December 10th, the online session was livestreamed from the offices of Navingo in Schiedam, the Netherlands. All in light of ‘Careers in Offshore Wind’. Take a look at the online interviews with Hans Scheefhals, Project Lead HVDC of IJmuiden Ver at TenneT and Kelly van der Doelen, Senior Recruiter at TenneT. Also, Floor Waterbos and Joris van Breukelen, students Electrotechnology at TU Delft were interviewed. Besides the beautiful videos from the offshore wind sector, photographer Rene van der Kloet also gave a beautiful overview of his work.

Also many vacancies at suppliers

“The last few years we’ve grown very fast as wind sector. The next few years we have to fivefold the number of wind turbines at sea. The latest reports say that by 2030 we’d need about 15.000 people in this sector”, says Erik van Diest from the Dutch Wind Energy Association (NWEA) during the online event. Text continues below video.

View on Vimeo.

Erik said that besides needing employment for the construction of the wind parks, many suppliers such as Heerema and Van Oord and recruiters such as Oceanwide, are looking for people to realize the projects.

Convinced to work in Offshore Wind

During the online session, participants got a taste of this adventurous and innovative sector. Also they were able to find inspiration for career opportunities.

Lots to be done at TenneT

In the videos of TenneT, you can see that there is a lot to be done to execute the climate agreement. You can get a good impression of how big the enormous projects such as Borselle, Ijmuiden Ver and Hollandse Kust Zuid are.

Kelly van der Doelen, Senior Recruiter at TenneT: “Contributing to a sustainable world is in important motivation to work with us”. Hans Scheefhals, Project Lead HVDC tells that the upcoming 3 years, about 1000 vacancies are to be fulfilled in various phases and at different educational levels. Kelly van der Doelen: “We have to find solutions for a sustainable world. For that, we need people who are creative and think outside of the box”.

Chat Caroussel

In the last half hour of the session, the chat carrousel started. Participants talked live with Hans Scheefhals and Kelly van der Doelen and the other participating companies. In these 1-on-1 videocalls participants were able to present themselves to a potential employer or ask questions to the speakers. Hans Scheefhals of TenneT: “I personally spoke to about 30 people that I was able to provide with specific information.”

Rewatch everything on On Demand page

Everything from the session can be rewatched on the On Demand page of All videos and interviews are also placed separately.