Peutz bv
Stand 1.534
Peutz is a leading consultancy with expertise in aero- and hydrodynamic research for shipbuilding and offshore structures, noise and vibration control, underwater acoustics and fire safety. Peutz Maritime and Offshore provides consultancy for: helideck safety, dynamic positioning, wind and current loads, gas dispersion, air quality, noise and vibration control, underwater acoustics and fire safety.In recent years Peutz has adopted an active engagement in tailoring its expertise to the needs of the offshore and shipbuilding industry which has resulted in a close engagement in design processes.With Peutz consultancy you can rely on state of the art computational facilities (CFD), in situ measurements and laboratory research to obtain validated advise. Peutz operates a set of unique laboratories: -Wind tunnel laboratory-Building physics laboratory-Acoustics laboratory-Fire safety testing laboratory-Laboratory for pyro technics.Peutz has offices in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France and Spain.