Fire at Huldra Platform Extinguished, Statoil Says
At 14.30 today a fire was reported in an air compressor compartment on the Huldra platform in the North Sea, which is situated west of Mongstad. The fire was extinguished at 14.50., Statil announced on its website.
None of the 19 persons on board the platform were injured in the incident.
Huldra has been developed with a wellhead platform which ranks as the first Statoil offshore installation designed for normally unstaffed operation. This facility is being run from Veslefrikk B.
The gas and condensate (light oil) field was brought on stream in November 2001.
Huldra lies in blocks 30/2 and 30/3, about 16 kilometres from Veslefrikk.
Gas from Huldra is piped in a dedicated 140-kilometre line to the Heimdal field for processing and onward transmission by pipeline to continental Europe. Condensate is piped to Veslefrikk for processing.
Statoil proved the field in 1982, and development work began in the spring of 1999.
Aker Verdal in mid-Norway built the platform jacket, which was towed out and placed on the field in the summer of 2000. The Mærsk Gallant rig started drilling production wells immediately afterwards.
Constructed at Kværner’s Rosenberg yard in Stavanger, the Huldra topside was shipped out and installed on the jacket in the spring of 2001.
Statoil’s emergency response organisation was mobilised and the public rescue service alerted.
Source:Statoil ,September 14, 2011;