Gudrun Sails Away from Haugesund Yard, Norway
Wednesday afternoon, July 17, Gudrun sailed away from the yard in Haugesund. Now she is well on her way to the field where the jacket has been awaiting her since last summer.
It is an approximately 24 hour long journey to the field location.
“After two years of hard work, dedicated commitment and a fruitful collaboration between Statoil, we are extremely pleased to reach this key milestone. We would like to thank Statoil for the quality of work performed, so far, but we need to remain focused as we have critical work to deliver before start of production,” says Patrick Hamou, Manager Asset Area, GDF SUEZ E&P Norge.
On Friday the 10.6 ton heavy platform will be lifted on to the jacket. Start up of production is planned to the first quarter of 2014.
Statoil is the operator (75%) and GDF SUEZ E&P Norge is the sole partner (25%).
Press Release, July 19, 2013