Power Ltd Planing Tidal Energy Barrage in North Devon Estuary
Power Ltd has submitted a booklet containing information about the plan to harness tidal energy in north Devon estuary to Torridge District Council, writes Western Daily Press.
This follows a year old discussions with Torridge District Council and the Department for Energy and Climate Change.
The company is planning to develop up to GBP 240 million worth barrage, which would harness enough tidal energy to power 72,000 homes.
The owner of the company, Keith Apps, said: “It is the perfect site, the Taw Torridge Estuary has one of the biggest tidal pulls in the world, so not to harness the energy is missing out.
“The scheme has the potential to improve Northam Burrows because during construction the old rubbish dump could be prevented from being eroded into the sea.”
He also pointed out that this barrage would create 450 jobs during construction and give a flooding protection to the area.
Press Release, July 8, 2013