Spectrum Starts Seismic Survey in Southern Gas Basin,UK
Spectrum has early August 2013 kicked off the acquisition of a new high quality 2D Multi-Client seismic survey in the Southern Gas Basin, UK. The survey area, covering 15+ blocks, is predominantly acreage available for the 28th License Round expected to open January 2014.
The acquisition will focus on the Carboniferous section Scremerston Coal Formation play fairway, chasing Breagh analogues. The 3,736 km program is supported by industry pre-funding.
”Spectrum is excited to embark on this seismic campaign in an area with an under-explored Carboniferous section and with a large number of open blocks available for the next licensing round. The survey is designed to offer long-offset and broadband seismic for both regional exploration and detailed block evaluation. This is Spectrum’s first project in the UK since 1998 and it is part of our strategic plan to grow our library”, commented Kim Gunn Maver, EVP Northwest Europe.
Furthermore, Spectrum has completed acquisition of Phase 1 of a new high quality 2D Multi-Client seismic survey in the Fingerdjupet-Hoop area in the Barents Sea, Norway. The survey area includes a large number of blocks available for 23rd license round in 2014. The acquisition will focus on the Triassic plays with lines tying existing and planned wells. Phase 1 of this program is 2,150 km.
For both surveys the final products are scheduled for delivery in Q4 2013, thus be available for the UK 28th Licensing Round and the Norwegian 23rd Licensing Round.
Press Release, August 5, 2013