SRTP Starts to Generate Electricity at European Marine Energy Centre
SRTP have reached a crucial milestone in their staged testing programme of the company’s innovative tidal turbine concept, by successfully generating power at their test site in the Falls of Warness, Eday.
This marks the successful completion of the latest phase in the development and commercialisation of the company’s tidal turbine.
Throughout the summer the SRTP team have been developing handling procedures unique to their device and conducting experimental power generation tests. The previous power generation exercises involved towing the device in the sheltered waters south of Shapinsay to simulate tidal flow in a controlled manner. This approach to development has allowed them move on to carry out operations in the Falls of Warness with confidence. Data gathered from the tests at the EMEC site have suggested that the rotor efficiency of the SR250 has exceeded expectations.
Source: scotrenewables, October 7, 2011