The Netherlands Sets New Renewable Energy Targets
The Dutch government, employers, workers and environmental organizations reached an agreement last week, which will ,inter alia, result in further investments in wind energy both on land and sea.
Previous target to generate 16% of energy from renewables has been pushed back to 2023, and a new target of 14% of renewable energy has been set for 2020. This keeps the Netherlands in line with the EU renewable energy target for 2020.
In addition to the renewable energy targets, an agreement has been achieved in relation to the wind turbines, solar panels and coal plants.
The Netherlands will see at least 6,000MW of onshore and 4,400MW of offshore wind capacity installed by 2023, which will be enough to power each house in the country.
Solar energy has become more attractive due to the extended tax scheme.
As for the coal plants, the government has agreed to close three outdated coal plants in Nijmegen, Zeeland and the Central Amer (Geertruidenberg) by 2015, followed by two more in Rotterdam Maasvlakte.
The whole scheme would entail creating around 15,000 jobs, mostly in construction.
Offshore NIEUWS staff, July 18, 2013; Image: Ad Meskens