Vroon and MPI Vessels Working on Northwind Project
As construction of the Northwind offshore windfarm continues, a number of Vroon and MPI vessels are employed on this project. The windfarm, situated off Zeebrugge in Belgium, will consist of more than 70 offshore wind turbines, providing 216 MW, enough power for 120,000 households.
MPI Resolution, wind turbine installation vessel, is engaged in the installation of wind turbines on the site.
Three MPI Workboats (MPI Don Quixote, MPI Rosinante and MPI Sancho Panza) are also working on the project, transferring personnel from Oostende.
In addition, Vroon Offshore Services’ VOS Sympathy is carrying out subsea-support duties and “walk-to-work” activities by means of the Amplemann (actively compensated) gangway installed on deck.
Press Release, August 21, 2013